From French Kitchens to Candy Aisles: The Freeze-Dried Candy Revolution

Discover how French culinary artistry elevates Canadian confections by adopting traditional freeze-drying techniques to transform candy into a sophisticated treat. Experiment with a candy freeze dryer to capture exquisite flavors while maintaining the vibrant colors and textures French techniques are renowned for. Collaborate with French-Canadian artisans to explore the nuanced use of ingredients like lavender, sea salt, and fine chocolate, infusing each creation with cultural richness. Delve into the history of freeze-dried…

What Does Canada Import From France?

Have you ever wondered where some of your favorite indulgences come from? If you enjoy fine wine, fancy cheeses, or high fashion, chances are some of your go-to brands are from France. Surprised to know some of these items are not made in Canada? Well, as one of Canada’s biggest trade partners, France exports many popular products to stores across the country.
You’ve probably enjoyed French imports without even realizing it. Keep reading to discover some delicious and luxurious goods that find their way from France onto …

How to Learn French Online

Given the current public health crisis the world is in, the internet has been increasingly useful for many people. If you wish to learn French efficiently, online resources can be your best option. 
Here are a few ways which can help you learn French online effectively. 
1. Taking an Online French Lesson
Nowadays, you can find several websites offering French lessons online. This is definitely one of the best ways to learn French as you will be working with a professional French language teacher. …

Festive French Foods Traditionally Served During Christmas

French cuisine is probably one of the most sought-after foods around the world. When it comes to a festive holiday feast, France definitely has one of the best places to dine in. 
There is a vast range of holiday foods served during Christmas in France. Below are some of the commonly served options.
1. Appetizers
The French appetizers during Christmas share common ingredients as their starters. The appetizers are typically foie gras, gravelaz salmon, smoked salmon, and occasionally caviar for those …

Why Cigarette Smokers in France Should Not Be Offered Vape as Alternative

Vaping should not be offered as a way to quit smoking. Studies show that there is not enough evidence that vaping is beneficial for those planning to quit cigarettes. Vape juice offers no significant benefits to those taking steps to quit smoking.
French health body le Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP) suggests not recommending these devices as an aid in quitting smoking. HCSP previously suggested that this helps in quitting smoking. While a few studies have been made about e-cigarettes, there is not enough evidence presenting vaping as a great …

How Christmas is Celebrated in Paris, France

Like most parts of the world, Christmas is quite an important occasion in Paris. During this season, the shops and the city’s streets are full of Christmas lights and decorations. 
Christmas is definitely one of the most magical times in Paris. Discover how the city celebrates this huge occasion. 
1. The Christmas Market
The Christmas market in Paris is one of the most visited places in the city during the holiday season. Here, you can find festive food to eat with your family and …

Attend the Fin Atlantic International Film Festival

The Fin Atlantic International Film Festival is scheduled to occur at Cineplex Cinemas Park Lane in Halifax. Eleven films will take place onsite, while the FIN stream will be online. 
French Gala
In this film, Nelly, who is just 8-years-old, loses her grandmother and gets involved in cleaning her house together with her parents. This allows her to explore where her mother, Marion, grew up and played. Her mother suddenly leaves, and this is where Nelly meets with Marion, who is her age, building her own treehouse. 
Titane by …

The Co-Production Agreement Between French and Canada is Signed

The Agreement of Audiovisual Co-production that happened between French and Canada was finally signed on July 28th. This is after a long time of negotiations that took place for nearly six years without concluding. The signing of the agreement was done online by Steven Guilbeault, the Minister of Canadian Heritage Minister, and Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, the Minister of Culture. 
The signing of this agreement marks a great achievement between the French and Canadian ministries. The two countries have had over a hundred collaborative works that they have been …

V-Unframed: The Exploration Between Virtual Reality and Art

The Alliance Française of Vancouver invites everyone to connect and explore at V-Unframed, the exploration between virtual reality and art. This mesmerizing virtual art exhibition features local and international artwork pieces. 
Traditionally, art is generally confined in a frame and then displayed on the walls of an art gallery. However, the V-Unframed showcases the realities, environments, and fascinating stories that lie beyond the enclosures of the canvas. 
In this event, the audiences will explore Escape V, …

Advancing Culture: Innovation and Music Groundwork

Advancing Culture is a global business support program for enterprises working in the industry of creative and cultural industries. This program allows small French startup businesses to learn more about the Canadian ecosystem as well as the possible expansion in the markets of North America. 
Created by the French Embassy in Canada, Advancing Culture is created in partnership with the Launch Academy and Platform Calgary in Vancouver. 
Discover a New Ecosystem
This program provides a comprehensive …